How to Pause SLA in Dynamics 365 - CloudFronts

How to Pause SLA in Dynamics 365

Posted On March 9, 2018 by Admin Posted in 


This blog explains how to Pause SLA in Dynamics 365.

Steps to be followed:

Only Enhanced SLA can be Paused.

  1. Go to Settings –> Administration  –> System Settings –> Service
  2. Select the Entity for which SLA is Created. (I have Created SLA for Word Order so I will select Word Order from that list).
  3. Now from Available Values select that Status that will Pause SLA.
  4. For Work Order entity we will create new Status as “On Hold”. (because it does not have any status which we can use to Pause SLA)
  5. Save and Publish.
  6. Now Select “On Hold”.
  7. Go to Work Order entity and select the Status = ‘On hold’ and Save.

    SLA is Paused now.

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