Convert your FAQ’s Page to a Bot using Power Virtual Agents

Posted On March 13, 2020 by Rilsina Pegado Posted in 

Introduction: FAQ’s are meant to provide easy answers to User questions, but not always will the user like to read the entire FAQ page, in such situations we can provide the users with a BOT to answer their queries.

This can be done using Power virtual Agents.
Follow this simple steps to create your bot.
1) Login to Power Virtual Agents and go to topics
2) Go to Suggest topics
3) Paste the weblink of FAQ page, click add and then Start.
4) Once we get all the suggested topics, click add to existing to make it an existing topic.

5) Once added to existing, turn the topic on and test your bot.
Conclusion: You can further embed the bot with your website and users will find it easy to access the bot instead of reading the FAQ page.

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