Set form control access via security role in D365 Finance - CloudFronts

Set form control access via security role in D365 Finance

In some of the cases instead of providing security to whole form we need it for particular form control.So this blog will help you with providing access to form control via security roles.If you want to know more about security roles you can use my previous blog .
  1. First of all we need form control where we need to set some of the properties as follows. In our case we are using laid off button as shownNow select the button and press F4 for its properties and set needed permision to manual as follows
  2. Now in your desired security privilege you can either directly set form control permissions or Entry Points.For form control permission method right click on form control permission and select new form and after that set name property to your desired form (Hcmworker in our case) as follows

    Now right click on your form and select New control option as follows and set control name and permission for it as follows

    For Entry point method you need first need to add new entry point and set its object type and object name properties or for existing ones select desired entry point and click on drop down arrow and on controls right click and select new control.And now set its grant and name properties to desired control and its access rights

  3. After this you need to assign this privilege in desired security role and security duty as previously discussed in security role blog

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