How to Cancel Posted Purchase Credit Memo in Business Central? - CloudFronts

How to Cancel Posted Purchase Credit Memo in Business Central?


There might be a need where user wants to cancel the Posted Purchase Credit Memo which was posted by mistakenly.

Ideally we cannot cancel the Posted Purchase Credit Memo if it is generated from Posted Credit Memo or Purchase return Order. But if the Posted Purchase Credit Memo is generated from cancel Posted Purchase Invoice .

Steps to achieve the goal:

  1. If a Posted Purchase Invoice is cancelled then system post the Purchase Credit Memo and cancelled field is set to true in Posted Purchase Invoice.
  1. Go to its corresponding Posted Purchase Credit Memo you would be able to cancel action in the Posted Purchase Credit Memo.

Cancel action Visibility code added by Microsoft.

3. When you click the cancel button in Posted Purchase Credit Memo then it will create and post Purchase Invoice in background.
System establish a link between new Posted Purchase Invoice’s Applies to Doc No with “Posted Purchase Credit Memo No which is cancelled.”
Status for new Posted Purchase Invoice will be Corrective = Yes.
Status for the Cancelled Posted Purchase Credit Memo = Yes


Thus we saw how we can cancel Posted Purchase Credit Memo in Business central.

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