Set multiple not resolved Email Ids as To Party CC Party & Bcc Party in D365 Email Message records using Cloud flows - CloudFronts

Set multiple not resolved Email Ids as To Party CC Party & Bcc Party in D365 Email Message records using Cloud flows

Many a time it happens that we need to send emails that may be an email notification etc. to clients,

with the power automate capabilities we can schedule, trigger, manually run, and do want not to automate these notification emails. 

But the road blocker to all of these is not resolved email IDs, i.e. email IDs that cannot be resolved as Contacts, Accounts, Users in CRM. 

We need to make changes to system settings to allow messages to these unresolved Id we have already covered this in the Blog : [

In this blog let’s see how we can set multiple not resolved Email Ids as To Party CC Party & Bcc Party in D365 Email Message records using Cloud flows 

ToParty, CCParty, BccParty are all Activity Parties and they have a ParticipationTypeMask integer value associated with them more on Activity Parties and Types in this link [

ParticipationTypeMasks are as below :  

  1. Sender : 1  
  2. ToRecipient: 2 
  3. CCRecipient: 3  
  4. BccRecipient: 4 

In Cloud flow create a new email record, click on “Switch to Input entire array”, populate the email in the address used field and ParticipationTypeMasks as shown below :  

 Hope this helps!  

Thank you 

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