Advance warehouse management – Load and Location Directives in Microsoft D365 F&O - Part 3  - CloudFronts

Advance warehouse management – Load and Location Directives in Microsoft D365 F&O – Part 3 

Hello everyone, in this series of Blog, we are going to learn about the Advance warehouse management in D365. 

In this blog we will learn about the basic setups required for the Advanced Warehouse Management process. These setups may vary depending on the business scenarios. As a continuing blog from and, this is will be a part 3 of the series. The following are the setups that we need to configure: 


The loads are useful when we group multiple shipments. So, you can consider load as an object that will be used to transport the material. 


Warehouse Managementà SetupàLoadà Load Templates 

I have created two containers here as a load. One is a 20 ft container, and the other is a 40 ft container. 

Location Directives: 

The Location Directive plays a significant role in inventory movement in advanced warehouses. Location Directives are the set of rules which define the pick and put, Counting, License Plate building, Status change and Quality check etc. for individual warehouse or group of warehouses. 

For my current scenario, I will create location Directive for a Purchase Order transaction. In further blogs I will write about other transactions as well. 

Select the Work Order type as Purchase Order. 

Select the work type as “Put.” For the receipt location, I have mentioned the default receipt location in the warehouse master. 

For default receipt location, Go to Warehouse managementà Setupà Warehouse à Warehouses. 

Select the default receipt location from the Drop down. 

Select the Warehouse for which this “Put” rule going to work. You can group the warehouse and select the warehouses to work similar to the rule. 

In the lines I have mentioned the from Quantities and to quantities. 

For location directive action, I am using “Only fixed locations for the product.” By this, the system will ask for the location while Putaway operation in the Purchase Order. 

Now, the Loads and location directives are ready to use in Advance Warehouse process. 

That’s it for this blog!! 

How to use these Loads and location directives in actual transaction will be discussed going forward in the blog series. 

Keep learning!!!!! 

Next in the Blog series: 

How to create Work Classes and Work Templates in Advance warehouse management in D365. 

How to set up Worker in Advance warehouse management in D365.

We hope you found this article useful and if you would like to discuss anything you can reach out to us at [email protected].  

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