Power BI new updates: New Matrix Visual Preview and Enhancements: Column Sorting, Column Resizing, and Word Wrapping - CloudFronts

Power BI new updates: New Matrix Visual Preview and Enhancements: Column Sorting, Column Resizing, and Word Wrapping

Posted On April 28, 2017 by Admin Posted in 

In this blog article, I will explain about the new updates of Power BI related to New Matrix Visual Preview and its enhancements. In these we introduce a preview of a new matrix visual. This is the new version of the matrix as a separate matrix visual so we can test out the new experiences without impacting any of our other visuals or Reports.


Benefits of this new matrix include:

  • Performance improvements
  • Drilling into hierarches
  • Stepped layout
  • Cross highlighting and filtering from matrix headers and cell contents

In the new matrix preview, we can

  • Go to next level in the hierarchy
  • Expand all down one level in the hierarchy
  • Drill Down

When we create a hierarchy we will see only the top level by default and can drill into lower levels. We can drill into the row headers using the drill buttons in the visual menu or we can right click menu.

Using the Go to next level in the hierarchy option we will move to the next level of the row hierarchy.

Using the Expand all down one level in the hierarchy option we will show multiple row header levels at once.

We can also turn on Drill Down and drill into one specific row header.

We can also use right click menu to do all these drill actions on both row and column headers.

In matrix visual we can Sort a column, Word wrapping and  resize the column width.

i) Column Sorting
We can sort the matrix visual by the total and row headers ascending or descending.

ii) Column Resizing
We can minimize or maximize the size of the column

iii) Word Wrapping
We can word wrap column headers, row headers and values in the matrix preview.

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