How to Send Email Notifications for Failed Pipeline Runs : Part 1 - CloudFronts

How to Send Email Notifications for Failed Pipeline Runs : Part 1


ADF has a feature to Monitor and Audit the ADF activity. These Alerts can be Fired on both success and failure of a pipeline based on how we configure it.

Step 1:

Go to ADF Monitory and click “New Alert Rule” to create a new alert.

Step 2:

Set the Alert rule name and its severity:

– Sev 0 = Critical

– Sev 1 = Error

– Sev 2 = Warning

– Sev 3 = Informational

– Sev 4 = Verbose

Here we will select Sev1

Step 3:

Set the Alert criteria as Failed pipeline runs metrics which will trigger only when a pipeline activity fails.

Step 4:

Set the Alert criteria as Failed pipeline runs metrics which will trigger only when a pipeline activity fails.


Step 5:

Select the Name of the Pipeline for which you want to send the alerts.

Step 6:

Select All the Failure Types.

Step 7:

Set the Alert Logic to compare the metric value with threshold calculated based on time aggregation. Set the period and frequency based on which the above time aggregation in alert logic condition works. For now, keep these options as default and click on Add Criteria.


Only two criteria can be added.

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