How to create an INTUNEWIN file? - CloudFronts

How to create an INTUNEWIN file?

Your Organization might have this requirement to publish Win32 Application with Microsoft Intune. You might think if it is even possible to deploy the Windows 10 store Apps, MSI files or .exe file. Yes, it is possible to deploy these apps through Microsoft Intune. The only hurdle is you will not be able to publish the .exe files directly. You need to either convert the .exe file to MSI package or you can convert the same to an. INTUNEWIN file.

In this article we will discuss how to create an INTUNEWIN file from an .exe file.

Step 1: Create 3 folder on your device.

Here I am creating the below 3 folders in C:\

  1. C:\Adobe: Since I am generating INTUNEWIN file for Adobe, I have created a folder with Adobe name. You will need to place the source files here which is required for installation.
  2. C:\IntuneApps: This folder is for the Output file which will be generated and then we can use this file to deploy on Microsoft Intune.
  3. C:\IntuneWinAppUtil: This folder is for the tool which we will be using for converting the file to INTUNEWIN. This tool is Intune Win 32 Prep Tool.

Step 2: Put the file in the respective folder.

Here we will gather the Source file and the Intune Win 32 Prep Tool and will put it in the respective folder.

We can get the Intune Win 32 prep Tool from here –

Download this file and put it in the C:\IntuneWinAppUtil.

Now you can download your source file, in my case I have downloaded .exe file for Adobe and put it into C:\Adobe.

Step 3: Create the IntuneWin file.

Open Windows PowerShell as an Administrator and navigate to the folder where we have kept the Intune Win32 Prep Tool.

Once you run the IntuneWinAppUtil.exe, you will be asked to provide the below details.

  • Please specify the source folder: Enter the source folder where you have the .exe file.
  • Please specify the setup file: You will need to specify the name of the .exe file.
  • Please specify the Output folder: Enter the folder where your Output file will get generated.
  • After that press Enter.

INTUNEWIN file will be created within seconds and you see something like this.

Now you can go to the Output folder and check whether the file is generating over there.

This is how we can generate INTUNEWIN file and can publish the App on Microsoft Intune.

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