Download SSRS report as a PDF with Power Automate - Part 2 - CloudFronts

Download SSRS report as a PDF with Power Automate – Part 2

Checkout Download SSRS report as a PDF with Power Automate – Part 1

In this blog, we will see how to extract the value for PdfDownloadUrl so we can load it into another request and get our PDF. We’ll do this in 3 parts.

Step 7 – The start of the URL – Add a compose action for the following:


Step 8 – Length of PdfDownloadUrl – Add a compose action for the following:


Step 9 – Extract and convert the PdfDownloadUrl from the body – Add a compose action for the following:


Step 10 – Download PDF

Step 11 – Use a variable to send the Report PDF data

Step 12 – Send an Email


Hope this helps!

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