Get Stage Id of Business Process Flow Stages - CloudFronts

Get Stage Id of Business Process Flow Stages


I had a requirement where I needed to compare the Active Stage of Business Process Flow to perform an action of the Stage was Develop

The Flow trigger body provided the active stage id which I had to compare with Stage id of Develop.

However, I did not know the stage id, so I used the below API to get the stage details.


API Query-$select=stagename&$filter=processid/workflowid eq BPFGuid


  1. Get the GUID of  Business Process Flow whose stage details you need.
  1. Replace below Query with Your CRM URL and BPF GUID.$select=stagename&$filter=processid/workflowid eq 9128E4D1-1234-4852-ABD0-A63A6ECA5C5D


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