Latest Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blogs | CloudFronts - Page 44

Sort on Related Column in a View

Introduction:   When we create a view, We can configure the sort but the sorting is available only for the columns which are a part of the entity on which the view is created. Eg: In the active accounts view, there is a column ” Email” which is a field from Contact Entity. If we … Continue reading Sort on Related Column in a View

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See how to restore deleted channel, check Audit Logs and applying Retention Policy in MS Teams

As an Administrator, you might face this situation and suddenly you are not able to see one of the Channel in Microsoft Teams. There might be a chance that it got deleted somehow. Will you be able to recover the deleted Channel? The answer is Yes as a Team owner you will be able to … Continue reading See how to restore deleted channel, check Audit Logs and applying Retention Policy in MS Teams

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Tender-based discounts in Dynamics 365 Commerce(Retail)

Some Retailers may want to encourage customers to pay via cash in their Retail stores. This can be made possible by offering discounts to customers if they pay by a Cash mode of payment. In this way, they can help reduce the expense of credit card processing fees. Therefore, retailers might provide discounts to customers … Continue reading Tender-based discounts in Dynamics 365 Commerce(Retail)

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“You are not authorized to send mail on behalf of the specified sending account.” – Resolved.

Introduction: We had requirement where we wanted to send Email using Power Automate. We had already implemented this using Work Flow. While implementing this using Power Automate, we started receiving mentioned issue “You are not authorized to send mail on behalf of the specified sending account.” We had similar issue while implementing the same using … Continue reading “You are not authorized to send mail on behalf of the specified sending account.” – Resolved.

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How to Copy and Paste in Power Automate

Introduction Power Automate has finally got one of the most awaited features. Let me explain it to you. So, if you are willing to deploy similar type of actions inside flow, you had no option but to write each action separately from the beginning. phew! That sounds like lot of work! But now, thanks to … Continue reading How to Copy and Paste in Power Automate

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Test Automation on MS Dynamics CRM using TypeScript Library

Nowadays, Test Automation is the most important requirement for any company to check Quality assurance of their product or software. There are very few tools available for Test Automation of MS Dynamics CRM. In this blog, we are going to see how we can do Test Automation using TypeScript Library (D365-UI-Test). It is the opensource … Continue reading Test Automation on MS Dynamics CRM using TypeScript Library

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Trigger Power Automate on Condition

Introduction This blog explains how we can trigger Power Automate based on the required condition. Suppose you have a requirement where you want your flow should get trigger based on some condition then you can check condition on “Trigger” itself rather than adding a new action to check condition. Use Case: Trigger flow when Lead … Continue reading Trigger Power Automate on Condition

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How to get Email notification when Azure Data Factory Pipeline fail

However, it seems there’s no “e-mail activity” in Azure Data Factory. I would like to send an e-mail notification if one of the activities fail. In this blog I am going to explain you how to send an e-mail notification using ADF Web Activity and Azure Logic App. Sending an Email with Logic Apps Logic … Continue reading How to get Email notification when Azure Data Factory Pipeline fail

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How to create Date tables in Power BI. Why are they remarkably important in data models?

In this blog I am going to explain you how to create a Date table in Power BI desktop. A date table is a table that contains one column of DateTime type with unique values. It’s also called CALENDAR table A data model typically contains a date table A date table is designed to slice … Continue reading How to create Date tables in Power BI. Why are they remarkably important in data models?

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Develop Custom Workflow:Counting Journals workflow

In this blog, you will learn how to develop a custom workflow that is not present out of the box in D365 Finance. For this blog I’m creating a workflow for Counting Journal (Inventory management>>Journal Entries>>Item Counting>>Counting) because there is no such workflow for inventory management module. The followings are steps that are to be … Continue reading Develop Custom Workflow:Counting Journals workflow

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