Scribe Error while integrating from Salesforce to Microsoft Dynamics NAV - CloudFronts

Scribe Error while integrating from Salesforce to Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Posted On December 4, 2018 by Simran Monteiro Posted in  Tagged in , ,


Recently, we encountered an error while integrating Sales Orders from Salesforce to Microsoft Dynamics NAV via Scribe displaying the following error message.

Error Details:

“The Sales Header Extension does not exist. Identification fields and values: Document Type=’Quote’, No=’ ‘ ”

Reason for the error:

Upon further debugging, we found that a field in the Target NAV environment was throwing the error when Scribe was trying to input data into it.

The configuration of the field in the Target NAV environment needs to be changed so that it can populate data being integrated by Scribe.

This will allow Scribe to integrate the record successfully!

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