Dynamic visibility of Gallery Items based on previous item data in Canvas PowerApps - CloudFronts

Dynamic visibility of Gallery Items based on previous item data in Canvas PowerApps


Let’s say you come across a scenario where you want to show dynamic records for your gallery items based on previous record details.

For example: Let’s say a basic Q&A where the User should input data and then proceed.
So, I have created something similar that will help in developing such a design quickly and efficiently.

Steps to implement in Canvas PowerApps

Step 1: Create a collection that will store data of the gallery. (You can use Dataverse records here with the unique identifier in the collection.)

Note: Collection is better to use if you are referring to the same table. If you use Gallery.AllItems then you will encounter errors and circular reference issues.

//A Button to execute a collection of records. (You can trigger onLoad of screen as well)
        ID: 1,
        Question: "This is 1st Question (always visible)",
        isVisible: true
        ID: 2,
        Question: "This is 2nd Question",
        isVisible: false
        ID: 3,
        Question: "This is 3rd Question",
        isVisible: false
        ID: 4,
        Question: "This is 4th Question",
        isVisible: false

Set a Blank Vertical Gallery where Items property is as follows:

//Items property on Gallery
Filter(colAnswers,isVisible = true)

Step 2: Add a Text Input in Gallery that will accept the User’s Input Along with Questions.

Step 3: Modify the Property of ‘Text-Input’ control on OnChange as follows
//OnChange of Text-Input
        ID > ThisItem.ID,
            isVisible: !IsBlank(TxtAnswer.Text)
        ID = ThisItem.ID + 1,
            isVisible: !IsBlank(TxtAnswer.Text)


That’s all. You got dynamic content based on previous values.

I hope this helps!

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