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Category Archives: Azure

Schedule Serverless CRON Job to Pull data from REST APIs (Part – 3)

In this part we’ll see how to Debug the code on local. Once we done with the configuration settings the next step is to call the REST API in our code, here we are using C# for the development. Once we done with the code logic, we can run the code on local by adding … Continue reading Schedule Serverless CRON Job to Pull data from REST APIs (Part – 3)

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How to capture exception logs when Azure Data Factory Pipeline fail

Posted On February 20, 2020 by Sandip Patel Posted in

In this blog I am going to explain you how to store error logs using Stored procedure activity when Azure Data Factory Pipeline fail. First you need to create a Exceptionlogs table using following SQL script. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ExceptionLogs]( [DataFactoryName] [varchar](100) NULL, [PipelineName] [varchar](100) NULL, [RunId] [varchar](100) NULL, [ErrorMessage] [varchar](1000) NULL, [CreatedOn] [datetime] NULL ) … Continue reading How to capture exception logs when Azure Data Factory Pipeline fail

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How to Trigger Pipeline in ADF?

Introduction: This blog will guide you through how you can schedule your Pipeline in ADF with the help of scheduled trigger. The Time is crucial when you schedule your Pipeline. Go through all the steps to avoid the common mistake which you might make. Step 1: Click on Trigger and select “New/Edit”. Step 2: Click … Continue reading How to Trigger Pipeline in ADF?

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How to Send Email Notifications for Failed Pipeline Runs : Part 1

Introduction: ADF has a feature to Monitor and Audit the ADF activity. These Alerts can be Fired on both success and failure of a pipeline based on how we configure it. Step 1: Go to ADF Monitory and click “New Alert Rule” to create a new alert. Step 2: Set the Alert rule name and … Continue reading How to Send Email Notifications for Failed Pipeline Runs : Part 1

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How to Send Email Notifications for Failed Pipeline Runs : Part 2

Introduction: ADF has a feature to Monitor and Audit the ADF activity. These Alerts can be Fired on both success and failure of a pipeline based on how we configure it. We have already created a Target Criteria in the previous in Blog. Check it out here: In this Part we will configure Email Notification … Continue reading How to Send Email Notifications for Failed Pipeline Runs : Part 2

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How to get Email notification when Azure Data Factory Pipeline fail

However, it seems there’s no “e-mail activity” in Azure Data Factory. I would like to send an e-mail notification if one of the activities fail. In this blog I am going to explain you how to send an e-mail notification using ADF Web Activity and Azure Logic App. Sending an Email with Logic Apps Logic … Continue reading How to get Email notification when Azure Data Factory Pipeline fail

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Power BI report using BYOD (Bring your Own Device)

Posted On December 19, 2019 by Admin Posted in

In this blog, we will learn how to create an Azure SQL database in Azure portal and export Finance and operation data into it. Steps: Go to and create a new resource of SQL Database. Create New database, click on a new server and fill the necessary details, the login id and password will … Continue reading Power BI report using BYOD (Bring your Own Device)

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