Category Archives: D365 Finance and Operations

Item Master Data Mass uploading via Data Management in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

Item Master Data Mass uploading via Data Management In the world of data management, it has become essential that the business users are provided solution for mass data uploading. Where the data is managed by very less expert users who’re required to upload and download data in bulk at very less given time. Today I … Continue reading Item Master Data Mass uploading via Data Management in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

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Your connection is not private | NET::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID Error in D365 Finance and Operations

As seen in title when error “Your connection is not private | NET::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID” occured which seems as follows in screenshot when you try to open environment link in browser. The reason for above error in my case was that SSL certificate was expired as you can see in following screenshot To solve this issue go … Continue reading Your connection is not private | NET::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID Error in D365 Finance and Operations

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Rest API GET call in JSON format in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

Introduction: In this blog, we will see how to get response from Rest Api through GET call Solution:  Consisting of basic authentication, we will pass username and password in byteStr and for the endpoint we will put it in url in below code. class CFSJSTestRestAPI { public static void main(Args _args) { int find; str … Continue reading Rest API GET call in JSON format in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

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List of users for a security role | D365FO

Introduction: In this blog, we will see how we can get list of users who has assigned a specific security role   Solution:  UserInfo userInfo; SecurityRole securityRole; SecurityUserRole securityUserRole; while select networkAlias from userInfo where userInfo.networkAlias exists join securityUserRole where securityUserRole.User == exists join securityRole where securityRole.RecId == securityUserRole.SecurityRole && securityRole.Name == ‘Sales manager(NameOfTheSecurityRole)’ { … Continue reading List of users for a security role | D365FO

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Table Browser Extension for Google Chrome | D365

Now table browser becomes much easier for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations. Here you go with Google Chrome Extension – Table browser caller for D365FO. It’s very easy to install and use it. After installing the extension to the browser, it appears on the top bar and looks like While clicking on the extension, You can find … Continue reading Table Browser Extension for Google Chrome | D365

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Set form control access via security role in D365 Finance

In some of the cases instead of providing security to whole form we need it for particular form control.So this blog will help you with providing access to form control via security roles.If you want to know more about security roles you can use my previous blog . First of all we need form control … Continue reading Set form control access via security role in D365 Finance

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Create security role in D365 Finance and operation

In D365 Finance and Operations when you need to provide and restrict users from a certain operation you can make use of security roles. You can create security roles from Finance and operations environment itself or from its development tool i.e Visual Studio. In this blog, we are going to create a security role in … Continue reading Create security role in D365 Finance and operation

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Purchase order approval through a Mobile device in Microsoft D365 Fianance and Operations

In this blog I am going to explain in brief about  the Purchase order approval mobile workspace. This workspace lets you view purchase orders and respond to them through actions. For example, you can approve or reject a purchase order. After a purchase order (PO) has been created, it might have to go through an approval … Continue reading Purchase order approval through a Mobile device in Microsoft D365 Fianance and Operations

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x++ code to import data from excel to D365 FnO

We can also import data through code in D365 FO. Data import through code in D365 works differently than Ax2012 since cloud services.  Import Class we are trying to import data from Excel to D365FO through the following code.   using System.IO; using OfficeOpenXml; using OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage; using OfficeOpenXml.ExcelRange;   class EmplAttendance { public void run() … Continue reading x++ code to import data from excel to D365 FnO

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Customize Purchase order approval status

In the case of D365 Finance and Operations when you approve purchase requisition by default system creates Purchase order with approval status as “Approved” as follows     To change this default behavior of system such that once purchase requisition is approved the approval status of the purchase order as a draft you can use the … Continue reading Customize Purchase order approval status

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