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Category Archives: Dynamics 365

[Solved] – Backspace not working in HTML Web Resources

Issue: When we use a HTML web resource in Dynamics 365 CRM forms or even as a separate navigation, we sometimes face issue that Backspace on Text boxes do not work. Why this happens: This happens because in Custom HTML web resources, we add reference to “ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx”. We need this library to gain access to the … Continue reading [Solved] – Backspace not working in HTML Web Resources

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Dynamics 365 Tip: Sending Emails using Unified Interface

Introduction: The unified client which was released D365 V9 had a very refreshing UI and lots of features. One of the best features in Unified Interface was Timeline view, but the timeline view did not have ability to send emails. The Unified client has a new Email UI with rich text controls and advanced editor. … Continue reading Dynamics 365 Tip: Sending Emails using Unified Interface

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Filtering Records on BPF unlike on Form – D365

Introduction: Working with D365 is best when you’re trying to use as much OOB stuff as possible. Simplest configurations like selecting a view for your Lookup field is easily possible on the D365 Form. However, this is not possible on the fields on the Business Process Flow Use of addPreSearch() and addCustomFilter() on BPF Fields: … Continue reading Filtering Records on BPF unlike on Form – D365

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Filter records in gallery control based on value selected in other gallery control in PowerApps.

Introduction: This blog explains how to Filter records in gallery control based on value selected in other gallery control in PowerApps. Scenario: I am using Dynamics 365 Connection. I have data source named as Time Entry within that data source I have fields named as  Projects  and  Project task and data type of both fields is … Continue reading Filter records in gallery control based on value selected in other gallery control in PowerApps.

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Business Process flows process stage name blank in D365 v9 Customer Engagement

Introduction: In this blog, we will demonstrate a way to display the current active stage of a business process flow in views in D365 v9 as the out of box process stage name field does not show any value in the views. Implementation: Step 1: We have created a basic Business Process flow on contacts … Continue reading Business Process flows process stage name blank in D365 v9 Customer Engagement

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Change Tracking for Data Entities in D365 Operations

Introduction: In this blog article, we will see how we can track changes in data made since last export using Data Entities in D365 Operations. It is basically an SQL Change Tracking feature. Steps: Go to Data Management -> Data Entities. Select the Entity for which you want to enable Change Tracking. In the Action … Continue reading Change Tracking for Data Entities in D365 Operations

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D365 V9 Alert Dialog

Posted On April 25, 2018 by Admin Posted in

Introduction: This blog explains how to show alerts in D365 V9. Details: We often get requirement to show alerts in D365 V9 Forms and can be achieved using below syntax. Xrm.Navigation.openAlertDialog(alertStrings,alertOptions).then(closeCallback,errorCallback); Example: 1. Alert with no callbacks. var alertStrings = { text: “successfully checkedin.” }; var alertOptions = { height: 120, width: 260 }; Xrm.Navigation.openAlertDialog(alertStrings, … Continue reading D365 V9 Alert Dialog

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Calculated Currency Field doesn’t support Min or Max values

Introduction: This is an observation I made when one of our clients wanted to have a limit on the calculated fields. Let’s say, a lower limit of the currency field that is expected to throw an error (or somehow not allow) the currency going in negative values for a calculated field. Observation: Now, I want … Continue reading Calculated Currency Field doesn’t support Min or Max values

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How to Setup POP3/SMTP email configuration in Dynamics CRM

Introduction: This blog explains how to Setup POP3/SMTP email configuration in Dynamics CRM. Steps to be followed: Step 1:  Create new Email Server profile. a. Go to Settings –> Email Configuration –> Email Server Profile. b. Click on +New –> POP3/SMTP server. c. Fill Details in the form. Name: Gmail Incoming Server Location: pop.gmail.com Outgoing Server Location: smtp.gmail.com Now Go … Continue reading How to Setup POP3/SMTP email configuration in Dynamics CRM

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Calling unbound actions using Xrm.WebApi in D365 v9

Posted On April 25, 2018 by Clinton D'Mello Posted in Tagged in

Introduction: In this blog we will be demonstrating how to call an unbound action using Xrm.WebApi which provides properties and methods to use Web API to create and manage records and execute Web API actions and functions in Customer Engagement The available methods are createRecord, deleteRecord, retrieveRecord, retrieveMultipleRecords,execute and executeMultiple.The execute method executes a single … Continue reading Calling unbound actions using Xrm.WebApi in D365 v9

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