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How to Capture Error Description and Error Log Date in Script Component in SSIS

Our Scenario: To resolve the Errors that occur due to  componentMetadata130 and to capture the Error Log Date and Error Description while doing custom Error Handling in SSIS use the following steps. Solution: Error Handling at OLEDB Source Block: Step 1: Add a Script Component to catch the Error Description, Error Log Date and Entity. … Continue reading How to Capture Error Description and Error Log Date in Script Component in SSIS

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Filter Gallery based on lookup field (Combo Box) on EditForm

Introduction: In this blog, we will learn how to filter Gallery based on Combo Box which is on different form.   Use Case: We have a requirement where there is a lookup field (Price List) on the Editform (Data Source: Quote Project Price List). When there is data in the lookup field the Gallery (Data … Continue reading Filter Gallery based on lookup field (Combo Box) on EditForm

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Add lookup fields in an editable grid using PowerApps

Introduction: We had a requirement where we wanted to show the editable grid in power apps. The fields which are suppose to show are of string, decimal and lookup. Other data type was easy to display but we find difficulties in showing the lookup value.   In this blog, we will learn how to add … Continue reading Add lookup fields in an editable grid using PowerApps

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Post Entity and its Relationship with Lead Entity

Problem Statement: We have a recent requirement, where we had to make an SSRS report that will display the latest post against a Lead. Post as an Entity is not visible in customization, also in advance find of Lead, we do not have any related attributes from post. This makes it difficult to generate the … Continue reading Post Entity and its Relationship with Lead Entity

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How to use Expand Query in MS Flows

Introduction This blog explains how to use Expand Query (N:1 Relationship) in the Common Data Service List Records Connector. Steps to be followed: Initialize Variable of type string. Using Expand in list RecordsExpand Query: cf_Project($select=cf_projectname,cf_projectabbreviation) Here cf_Project is the Schema Name of Project Lookup field on location entity. Pass the field names of the project … Continue reading How to use Expand Query in MS Flows

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Calculated Field in Dynamic 365 CE

Introduction In this blog we will see how to use Calculated field. Use Case : Its common requirement of Project to set calculated date to specific date field by adding or Subtracting the no. of days. Implementation : Step 1: Let say we have date field in an Account Entity.   Step 2:  Create one more … Continue reading Calculated Field in Dynamic 365 CE

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Convert Email Body from HTML format to Text

Introduction: We had a requirement , wherein when an Email is received a Case will be created in CRM and the body of the email will be set the description of the case. However we faced a problem because the Email body was in HTML format so we have to convert it and set it … Continue reading Convert Email Body from HTML format to Text

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Create An Editable Grid View In PowerApps

Introduction: In this blog, we will learn how we can create an editable Grid View in PowerApps. Steps: 1.Set up a gallery in your Powerapps.     Insert a new gallery – Insert > Gallery > Vertical 2.Add Data Source to the Gallery you added.    Go to Properties > Click Data Source you want. … Continue reading Create An Editable Grid View In PowerApps

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Find hidden entities in CRM using Metadata Document generator from XRM ToolBox

Problem Statement: I had a requirement where I needed to check the fields on the Entity POST, however in CRM customization, I could not find the entity POST though it was visible in advanced Find. Solution: To view all the data related to any hidden field, you can use the Metadata Generator in XRM Toolbox … Continue reading Find hidden entities in CRM using Metadata Document generator from XRM ToolBox

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How to map Signature field into Word template

Introduction : As we know , signature field with pen control can not be mapped directly into word template. This blog will explain how to map  signature field into word template. Implementation : Steps to Add Signature Field Step 1 :  Create signature Field with data type multiple line of text and maximum length 15000 … Continue reading How to map Signature field into Word template

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