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How to create Dynamic Option-set/List based on value from other fields in Canvas PowerApps

Hi Everyone, Consider a scenario where we want to filter out a dropdown/combo-box choice field based on value in other field or dropdown.Since we cannot use scripts in Canvas App, here’s how we can show specific choice based on multiple values For this example, I’ve considered a bunch of basic items belonging to Fruits, Vegetables … Continue reading How to create Dynamic Option-set/List based on value from other fields in Canvas PowerApps

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Update records in Dynamics CRM using Azure Logic Apps

In this blog, we will see how we can update the records  CRM with the help of a logic app workflow. Step 1: Add the recurrence trigger in the logic app and set it to run in a one-day interval. you can set any interval. Without a trigger, you cannot create a logic app. Step … Continue reading Update records in Dynamics CRM using Azure Logic Apps

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How to use Standard Journal Feature In Business Central?

Introduction. They might be some need to copy the data from one batch to another. In Business central there are multiple ways to do so use copy & paste method or use or configuration packages or Use Standard Journal Feature. Let’s understand about the Standard Journal Feature in detail. But please note Standard Journal Function … Continue reading How to use Standard Journal Feature In Business Central?

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Load JSON data from Azure Blob Storage to Microsoft Finance and operation

In this blog we will see how to we can integrate data from Azure Blob storage to Microsoft Finance and operations. In this use case we are updating the data in the finance and operation destination Prerequisite: Azure Blob Storage Azure Finance and operation Step 1 : In this we will create the HTTP Trigger … Continue reading Load JSON data from Azure Blob Storage to Microsoft Finance and operation

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Configuring NAS in LS Central for automating Data Director jobs

Introduction LS Central Scheduler Jobs are used for automatic background processing. These jobs use the NAS Service under the hood. We are going to see how to configure the NAS Service for LS Central. References Pre-requisites LS Central v16.4 – OnPrem Data Director Configuration Create a new Server Instance and name it appropriately.  Ensure … Continue reading Configuring NAS in LS Central for automating Data Director jobs

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Using the Power BI Report Builder to create and publish paginated reports.

Power BI Report Builder is a great tool to create paginated reports which can be easily printed in a proper page layout. If you used to work in SSRS Report Builder, the whole environment will look familiar. Plus Power BI report builder is a very light tool and has additional features such as directly importing … Continue reading Using the Power BI Report Builder to create and publish paginated reports.

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Send a message/notification on Microsoft Teams as soon as an Opportunity is created in Dynamics 365 via Azure Logic Apps.

In this blog we will see the steps in order to send a automated message via Teams as soon as an Opportunity is created in Microsoft Dynamics 365. Step 1: Go to and select the Azure Logic App Resource. Step 2: Enter all the details such as the Name, Resource Group, Subscription, Region, etc. … Continue reading Send a message/notification on Microsoft Teams as soon as an Opportunity is created in Dynamics 365 via Azure Logic Apps.

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Quick Tip – Duplicate Fields from a Table to another Table

Hello,Consider a scenario where we need to have a table (entity) which is a replica of other table or you need some fields replicated into another table. This tool will save a lot of precious time. Let’s say I have a table called ‘Scoping’ and I want fields from that data replicated into another table … Continue reading Quick Tip – Duplicate Fields from a Table to another Table

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Open document on click of button in D365 CRM using JavaScript

In this blog we will see how we can open a PDF document on click of button from a record in CRM Let say we have User Guide button on Lead Entity and on click of User Guide button, a PDF document which is User Guide document should be open in next tab. Solution Create … Continue reading Open document on click of button in D365 CRM using JavaScript

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Using Automated Testing in POSTMAN for Business Central Web Services

Introduction: While using Business Central Web Services or APIs, we often use POSTMAN for testing the request and the responses. Today we’ll see how we can automate this testing to a certain extent using the inbuilt features of POSTMAN. We can have testing logic that runs before every request, after every request or logic that … Continue reading Using Automated Testing in POSTMAN for Business Central Web Services

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