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List of security roles for current user | D365FO

Introduction: In this blog, we will see how we can get a list of security roles assigned to a current user  Solution:  UserInfo userInfo; SecurityRole securityRole; SecurityUserRole securityUserRole; while select securityRole exists join securityUserRole where securityUserRole.SecurityRole == securityRole.RecId exists join userInfo where == securityUserRole.User && == curUserId() { info(; } Thanks for reading !!!

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Duplicate address record entry through Data entity in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

Introduction:In this blog, we will see how to allow system for accepting duplicate addresses of customer, vendor or any other, through doing bit change in Data Entity  Solution:For allowing duplicate entries we will create one field in LogisticsPostalAddress. Here field name is as IsCreateFromEntity. Field-IsCreateFromEntity will be used as flag, type of boolean / NoYesId (EDT). … Continue reading Duplicate address record entry through Data entity in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

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Deploy SSRS reports through Windows Powershell in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

Introduction:In this blog, we will see how to deploy SSRS reports in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations   Solution:  For on-prem environment, we will open Windows PowerShell in administrator mode and run the below scrip step by step. cd C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Plugins\AxReportVmRoleStartupTask\ .\DeployAllReportsToSsrs.ps1 For online Cloudhosted/Dev environment, we will run below mentioned script cd k:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Plugins\AxReportVmRoleStartupTask\ .\DeployAllReportsToSSRS.ps1 -PackageInstallLocation “k:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory” It … Continue reading Deploy SSRS reports through Windows Powershell in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

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Introducing Microsoft 365 Project Operations – MBAS 2020 Takeaway

Among the fabulous sessions at MBAS 2020 Online Conference, Introduction of Project Operations was the most anticipated for me. Here are my takeaways from the same – Gurkan Salk & Kevin Horlock provided an overview of what to expect for Project Operations/  What is Project Operations? Some key points –  Project Operations is an extension … Continue reading Introducing Microsoft 365 Project Operations – MBAS 2020 Takeaway

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Remove Commas from whole number field in CRM D365

Introduction: In this blog we will see how to remove commas from whole number field. Use case : we were using the whole number field but after creation we noticed that there is comma in numbers. Solution: Step 1 : go to settings ->  click on settings icon -> Options Step 2: After clicking on … Continue reading Remove Commas from whole number field in CRM D365

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Required Privilege for Canvas App in D365 CRM

Introduction This blog explains how to resolve the issue for Canvas App not loading which is embedded in D365 CRM using HTML Webresource. Issue After Canvas App was published and shared with Users still, they were unable to access the Power App. It was showing a blank page with no error. Resolution After debugging the … Continue reading Required Privilege for Canvas App in D365 CRM

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Modern Enterprise BI: Part 1

Power BI has some new features and Future Promises for Modern Enterprise applications in Business.

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How to create an INTUNEWIN file?

Your Organization might have this requirement to publish Win32 Application with Microsoft Intune. You might think if it is even possible to deploy the Windows 10 store Apps, MSI files or .exe file. Yes, it is possible to deploy these apps through Microsoft Intune. The only hurdle is you will not be able to publish … Continue reading How to create an INTUNEWIN file?

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Create Fruit Detection App inside Power Platform — PowerApps and AI Build

Before you begin with this Blog, please read my previous blog which was on How to Create Object Detection Model inside the Power Platform — PowerApps | AI Builder. In a previous blog, we have created the Object Detection Model that we are going to use in this blog. Step 1: Expand the AI Builder section … Continue reading Create Fruit Detection App inside Power Platform — PowerApps and AI Build

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Create Object Detection Model inside the Power Platform | Power Apps — AI Builder

In this blog, we are going to see how to create object detection model which can be used in PowerApps or MS Flow / PowerAutomate Step 1: Log in to Select the PowerApps, If PowerApps is not visible then click on All Apps then you will able to see the PowerApps. Step 2: Expand the AI … Continue reading Create Object Detection Model inside the Power Platform | Power Apps — AI Builder

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