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Posting Restriction for Journals- Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations

Posting restriction feature allow to determine whether specific user or user groups can post only journals that they create. You can use Journal names for posting restriction setup. Navigate to  General ledger > Journal Setup  > Journal names. Select Journal names for which you want to apply Posting restriction. Click on Posting restrictions button To set up posting restrictions … Continue reading Posting Restriction for Journals- Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations

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PSA – Create Time Entry Delegations for all resources

Background: One of the frequent requests we continuously get from our clients is for someone else to do Time entries on behalf of other resources. We know that this can be done using Delegations feature in Dynamics 365 PSA. You can read more about delegations here written by another D365 PSA Expert – Priyesh Wagh … Continue reading PSA – Create Time Entry Delegations for all resources

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Contract Invoice Schedule Status Change on Invoice Actions

Stages of Invoice Schedules are changed behind the scenes as you perform actions on the Invoice of the Contract. Let’s see what we have got here – So, when an Invoice Schedule is Ready for Invoicing, it will be considered in the Invoice you’ll end up creating. Now, if you create the Invoice for that … Continue reading Contract Invoice Schedule Status Change on Invoice Actions

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Power BI Transport Layer Security Settings (TLS)

Introduction: The Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a protocol that provides Secure communications. There are different versions of this protocol with the latest one being TLS 1.2. With all the crazy updates that Microsoft comes with, many of the programs, web services. etc. have enforced TLS 1.2 to be mandatory for communicating over the network. … Continue reading Power BI Transport Layer Security Settings (TLS)

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Move Attachments from Tracked Email to SharePoint using Microsoft Flow

Introduction: Microsoft flows can be used to automate many workflows across multiple applications and services. This is basically designed for non-developers. To create a flow, the user specifies what action should take place when a specific event occurs. In this blog, we will have a look on how we can add the attachments from the … Continue reading Move Attachments from Tracked Email to SharePoint using Microsoft Flow

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Vendor Invoice Journal-Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

Introduction: Vendor invoice journal helpful to post purchase invoices that are not associated with purchase orders. Examples of this type of invoice include expenses for supplies or services. Steps: Go to Accounts Payable > Invoices > Invoice journals Click on new button, select name of the journal and enter a description in description field. In … Continue reading Vendor Invoice Journal-Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

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Cancel or correct the posted invoices in D365 BC

In D365 Business Central user can cancel or correct posted invoices.  Once the invoices are posted in the system the user can go to posted Sales/Purchase invoice using Global search. Once the Posted Invoice screen opens in the menu ribbon, there is a menu for correct.  On clicking of that menu there would be two … Continue reading Cancel or correct the posted invoices in D365 BC

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Create Fixed Asset Journal using X++

In this blog article, we will see how we can create Fixed Asset Journal using X++. Write below code to create Journal Header in LedgerJournalTable Table and Lines record in LedgerJournalTrans and LedgerJournalTrans_Asset Tables. public void createFixedAssetJournal()     {                LedgerJournalTable ledgerJournalTable;         LedgerJournalTrans ledgerJournalTrans;         LedgerJournalTrans_Asset ledgerJournalTrans_Asset;         Assettable assetTable;         ledgerJournalTable.initValue();         ledgerJournalTable.JournalNum   … Continue reading Create Fixed Asset Journal using X++

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New D365 Admin portal and new way to access Organization Insights

Introduction: Lot of D365 Administrators would have observed that we no longer see the Organization Insights solution on AppSource anymore. This is because you can now see the Organization Insights on the new Administration portal for D365. New D365 Admin Portal! There is new portal for D365 Administration which is in preview. You will see … Continue reading New D365 Admin portal and new way to access Organization Insights

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Create Fixed Asset using X++

In this blog article, we will see how we can create a Fixed Asset using code based on AssetGroupID. Add below code in class to create a Fixed Asset, public void createFixedAsset(AssetGroupId assetGroupId) {         AssetTable assetTable;         NumberSeq numberSeq;         assetTable.initValue();         assetTable.assetGroup = AssetGroupId;         //Initialize Number Seq for Asset Id         numberSeq … Continue reading Create Fixed Asset using X++

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