Category Archives: CloudFlows

Trigger Power Automate Flow using JavaScript – Bi-Directional

Hi All,  This blog will be a continuation of my previous blog –  Trigger Power Automate Flow using JavaScript – Uni Directional Now, feedback is essential when sending a request to determine whether it was successfully performed or failed somewhere.  You can accomplish this by forwarding a response back from where the flow was invoked.  … Continue reading Trigger Power Automate Flow using JavaScript – Bi-Directional

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Download SSRS report as a PDF with Power Automate – Part 2

In this blog, we will see how to extract the value for PdfDownloadUrl so we can load it into another request and get our PDF.

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Get Option Set Labels in Power Automate flows

Every Option set Option has two Values associated with it :   Label Value –  which is a free text field.  Value – Which is an integer value as   In any Power Automate flow by default, we only get the integer value of an Option Set Option.  In this blog let’s see we can get a … Continue reading Get Option Set Labels in Power Automate flows

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Get year from Current date & Time function in Cloud Flows

We wanted to get the current year but there is no direct expression only to get the year. Below is the solution where we get the current year. Use formatDateTime function function with Utcnow(). Below is the expression we used. formatDateTime(utcNow(),’yyyy’) Output – Expression to get current date formatDateTime(utcNow(),’dd’) 2. Expression to get the current … Continue reading Get year from Current date & Time function in Cloud Flows

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Dynamically storing MS Forms Drop down field values into D365 CRM Option Set using Power Automate Flow

MS Forms offers a functionality to create a dropdown field which is similar to an option set fields in D365 CRM, But when it comes to mapping or storing values between these two field things become a bit tricky. However there are a few workaround using power automate capabilities. In this blog let’s see how … Continue reading Dynamically storing MS Forms Drop down field values into D365 CRM Option Set using Power Automate Flow

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Creating HTML table using Power Automate

The Create HTML Table action in Power Automate is a useful tool, but lacks any formatting or styling options. In this blog, we’ll see how to create a HTML table in Power Automate. Use Case: When quote is marked as won, close opportunity as won and send Email to the owner of the Opportunity with below details –  Email Subject … Continue reading Creating HTML table using Power Automate

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Read items from Array in Power Automate

Let us consider we have array [1,2,3] and want to read each value in Power automate. Let see how we can read array in Power Automate Step 1- Create array (here you can use your array) Here I have array [1,2,3] and now I want read each value of array in loop Step 2 – Add … Continue reading Read items from Array in Power Automate

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Create HTML Table from SharePoint List using Cloudflows

Posted On August 6, 2021 by Rilsina Pegado Posted in

Introduction: In this blog we are going to see how we can create an HTML Table from SharePoint List. Here is an example of SharePoint List. Solution: You can trigger the flow as per your requirment. Also, in this example I am retrieving all items in the list, there are filter options avaliable. Use action: … Continue reading Create HTML Table from SharePoint List using Cloudflows

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Create attachments in SharePoint when email arrives

Use case – we wanted to retrieve attachment when new email arrives in outlook and create same file in SharePoint Let see how we can achieve this! Step 1 – Flow triggers on when a new email arrives trigger from Outlook connection. Step 2 – Retrieve attachments and Create file in SharePoint. Add step create … Continue reading Create attachments in SharePoint when email arrives

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