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Develop Custom Workflow:Counting Journals workflow

In this blog, you will learn how to develop a custom workflow that is not present out of the box in D365 Finance. For this blog I’m creating a workflow for Counting Journal (Inventory management>>Journal Entries>>Item Counting>>Counting) because there is no such workflow for inventory management module. The followings are steps that are to be … Continue reading Develop Custom Workflow:Counting Journals workflow

How to Add Workflow form for D365 finance and Operation modules

In D365 Finance and Operation for some modules, there is no Workflow setup. eg:- Inventory management module. In such a case, we need to perform the following steps after which you can see the workflow setup form which will include all the workflows for that specific module. First, we need to add the Display menu … Continue reading How to Add Workflow form for D365 finance and Operation modules

RSAT (Regression Suite Automation Tool ) implementation and configuration for Finance and Operations

Purpose The Regression suite automation tool (RSAT) significantly reduces the time and cost of user acceptance testing. This tool enables functional power users to record business tasks using the Finance and Operations Task recorder and convert these recordings into a suite of automated tests without the need to write source code. Test libraries are stored … Continue reading RSAT (Regression Suite Automation Tool ) implementation and configuration for Finance and Operations

How To Enable / Disable Maintenance mode Using SQL query in Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations

In finance and operations for making any changes in License configuration form, you need to enable maintenance mode and after making desirable changes you need to disable to this mode. You can enable or disable maintenance mode using SQL query as well as command prompt. In this blog, we are performing this operation using the … Continue reading How To Enable / Disable Maintenance mode Using SQL query in Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations

Move database from sandbox to development in D365 Finance and Operations

Hello, In this blog I am going to demonstrate how to move database from sandbox to development environment. In some cases, there might be a situation where you need to debug the code with production data. For this, first we need to move database from production to sandbox with refresh database  in LCS as shown … Continue reading Move database from sandbox to development in D365 Finance and Operations

How to resolve workflow editor error “Application cannot be started.Contact the application vendor”

Sometimes when you try to open workflow editor you receive error  as “Application cannot be started.Contact the application vendor” as shown in screenshot. this problem can be caused due to various versions of application are there on your system. Let see how to solve this problem :- First thing first make sure you are using … Continue reading How to resolve workflow editor error “Application cannot be started.Contact the application vendor”

How to create and apply workflow for purchase order in D365 finance and operations

In this blog we will learn how to create workflows in D365 finance and operation. For this blog we are taking example of Purchase order workflow. Which will allow us to create purchase order which is allocated to different persons for approval and review process. Navigate to Procurement and Sourcing >>Setup>>Procurement and Sourcing workflows, and … Continue reading How to create and apply workflow for purchase order in D365 finance and operations

Model import and export in D365 Finance and Operations using Powershell

When we want to move customization done on specific model from one environment to other development environment we need to export and import the model file. Steps for model import and export using PowerShell :- Open PowerShell in administrator mode. Change directory to the path of package bin folder. Export command:-.\ModelUtil.exe -export -metadatastorepath=C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory -modelname=”name of … Continue reading Model import and export in D365 Finance and Operations using Powershell

How to resolve Error “Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0202009” While data export

While  Exporting data using data entity in D365 FO sometimes the Data project fails to export data with error “Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0202009”.   While event log displays   – EventData  methodName DMFGenerateSSISPackage.generateFileDataV2() diagnosticsMessage System.Exception: Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0202009 at Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Tools.DMF.ServiceProxy.DmfEntitySharedTypesProxy.DoWork[T](Func`1 work) at Dynamics.AX.Application.DMFGenerateSSISPackage.`generateFileDataV2(DMFDefinitionGroupExecution _dmfDefinitionGroupExecution, String _defGroupName, DMFFileFormat _fileFormat, DMFDelimiter _rowDelimiter, DMFDelimiter _columnDelimiter, String _codePage, … Continue reading How to resolve Error “Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0202009” While data export

Error “A reference to ‘xyz ‘ is required to compile this module” solution

Many of the time while building project/solution we came across the “reference is required to compile this module error”. The reason behind this error is that your module’s reference package is missing the required package. In error itself, the missing module can be rectified as shown for example in following screenshot reference to “SourceDocumentationTypes” is … Continue reading Error “A reference to ‘xyz ‘ is required to compile this module” solution



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