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Inheritance in C#

Posted On February 15, 2023 by Sourav Patil Posted in Tagged in ,

In C#, inheritance is a way to create a new class that is a modified version of an existing class. The new class is called the derived class, and the existing class is the base class. The derived class inherits the base class members, which means it has access to all of the base class’s … Continue reading Inheritance in C#

Use of Environment Variable inside Azure Function in C#

In this blog, we will learn how to configure and use Environment Variable in Azure Function. Concept of using Environment variable during your development which needs to deploy on multiple servers and connect to multiple systems. Whenever you use Environment variables to store the global constant or system credentials it reduces the time which was … Continue reading Use of Environment Variable inside Azure Function in C#

Serializing and Deserializing Json objects with key value pairs in C#

Posted On March 30, 2022 by Shruti Gupta Posted in Tagged in ,

If we have a json data whose objects have one or more key value pairs also known as properties and we need to separate them into individual objects then Serializing and Deserializing method can be used in C#. Sample Json data :      {                                 “FirstName”:”Aditya”,                                 “MiddleName”:”Ashok”,                                 “LastName”:”Somwanshi”,                                 “Phone”:[“9004802526″,”34304235”],                                 “Address”:{“Primary”:”Panvel”, “Secondary”:”Cloudfronts”} … Continue reading Serializing and Deserializing Json objects with key value pairs in C#



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