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Create a Custom Real-time Loader Control in Canvas PowerApps

In Canvas PowerApps, we usually show an image that lies over the screen until an execution is completed. But tracking real-time update might be confusing. I’ll show you a simple custom loading control that not only show execution status but also look good and is highly customizable. Here’s a preview how it will look (Note: … Continue reading Create a Custom Real-time Loader Control in Canvas PowerApps

Create a Custom Dropdown Control in Canvas PowerApps

As we know that a Standard Dropdown control do not have enough features and has limited properties to modify. Hence I have created a custom dropdown menu. Some drawbacks in Standard Dropdown,1. It shows only 1 particular attribute as value. Example: “Name”2. If multiple records of same name exist, then you cannot differentiate them. This … Continue reading Create a Custom Dropdown Control in Canvas PowerApps



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