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How to create entity specific Purchase requisition in multi entity environment in D365 Finance and Operations

Introduction In multi entity environment having separate legal entities for head quarter & regional entities, having separate sets of employees for each legal entity. & only head quarter employees taking decisions for which & how much inventory to be maintained at regional level & same employee having purchasing authority for all regional entities. In this … Continue reading How to create entity specific Purchase requisition in multi entity environment in D365 Finance and Operations

D365FO – HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable

Introduction: In this blog, we will see how to resolve HTTP Error 503 – The service is unavailable in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Details:  For resolving these kinds of errors, we have 2 solutions as of now. One is to do from the front end that is LCS and the second is to do … Continue reading D365FO – HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable

CloudFronts Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations Update Steps & Protocol

Microsoft is committed to delivering predictable service updates. These service updates will be made generally available for self-deployment approximately 2 weeks before Microsoft automatically applying the update. Some of these updates can have a lot of changes in it and this can impact any customization done on the client’s environment. Thus it becomes very important … Continue reading CloudFronts Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations Update Steps & Protocol

Sales return order line registration in D365FO and AX 2012

Introduction: Sales return order line registration in X++ Details:  Consider SalesReturnOrderRegisterLine is the table where records are with SalesLine referenced. If we are required to register serialized items than salesReturnOrderRegisterLine.inventSerialId will be considered and if item referred with batch then salesReturnOrderRegisterLine.inventBatchId will be considered. public static void inventoryRegistration(SalesId _salesId) { SalesReturnOrderRegisterLine salesReturnOrderRegisterLine; SalesLine salesLine; TmpInventTransWMS tmpInventTransWMS; InventTransWMS_Register inventTransWMS_Register; InventDim … Continue reading Sales return order line registration in D365FO and AX 2012

Factbox of workflow history on purchase order in D365FO

Introduction: In this blog, we will see how to create factbox of workflow history of purchase order in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Details:  Well, Factbox is a very pretty cool feature available from the earlier version AX 2012. It is very easy to achieve in Dynamics 365 as well.  Here we will see how … Continue reading Factbox of workflow history on purchase order in D365FO

Email Parameters | SMTP Configurations for sending Test Mail from D365FO

Introduction: In this blog, we will see how to set up email parameters and SMTP configuration for sending test mail from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations. Details:  Go to the Email Parameters by follow this path: System administration -> Setup -> Email -> Email Parameter. Another easiest way to find the email parameter in a … Continue reading Email Parameters | SMTP Configurations for sending Test Mail from D365FO

How to delete workspace from TFS Visual Studio

Introduction: In this blog, we will see how we can delete any of the TFS workspace which is assigned to different user Even if tried to remove/delete the workspace from Visual Studio, We’re unable to map existing workspace to new user.   In such scenario, It is necessary to delete the workspace explicitly while getting the … Continue reading How to delete workspace from TFS Visual Studio

Change RFQ purchase order status as draft insted of default approved

When we create purchase order using RFQ its default approval status will be approved. To change that status to draft write following code where we will change its status to draft. create new class and add following code class CFSPOStatusRfq {     [PostHandlerFor(classStr(PurchAutoCreate_RFQ), methodStr(PurchAutoCreate_RFQ, endUpdate))]     public static void PurchAutoCreate_PurchReq_Post_endUpdate(XppPrePostArgs args)     {         //PurchTable  … Continue reading Change RFQ purchase order status as draft insted of default approved

List of security roles for current user | D365FO

Introduction: In this blog, we will see how we can get a list of security roles assigned to a current user  Solution:  UserInfo userInfo; SecurityRole securityRole; SecurityUserRole securityUserRole; while select securityRole exists join securityUserRole where securityUserRole.SecurityRole == securityRole.RecId exists join userInfo where userInfo.id == securityUserRole.User && userInfo.id == curUserId() { info(securityRole.name); } Thanks for reading !!!

Duplicate address record entry through Data entity in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

Introduction:In this blog, we will see how to allow system for accepting duplicate addresses of customer, vendor or any other, through doing bit change in Data Entity  Solution:For allowing duplicate entries we will create one field in LogisticsPostalAddress. Here field name is as IsCreateFromEntity. Field-IsCreateFromEntity will be used as flag, type of boolean / NoYesId (EDT). … Continue reading Duplicate address record entry through Data entity in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations



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