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Tag Archives: Fixed Asset Journal

Post Ledger Journal using X++ in D365 Operations

Introduction: In this blog article, we will see how we can post the journal by using code. How to do? Create a new method and write below code. In this code you declare object of Class ‘LedgerJournalCheckPost’. This class will use journal buffer and post it. public void postJournal(LedgerJournalTable ledgerJournalTable) { LedgerJournalCheckPost jourPost; jourPost = … Continue reading Post Ledger Journal using X++ in D365 Operations

Create Fixed Asset Journal using X++

In this blog article, we will see how we can create Fixed Asset Journal using X++. Write below code to create Journal Header in LedgerJournalTable Table and Lines record in LedgerJournalTrans and LedgerJournalTrans_Asset Tables. public void createFixedAssetJournal()     {                LedgerJournalTable ledgerJournalTable;         LedgerJournalTrans ledgerJournalTrans;         LedgerJournalTrans_Asset ledgerJournalTrans_Asset;         Assettable assetTable;         ledgerJournalTable.initValue();         ledgerJournalTable.JournalNum   … Continue reading Create Fixed Asset Journal using X++



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