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How to Fix the error ‘’isGlobal information provided True doesn’t match the value stored in DB False.” in D365 CRM.

Each time I attempt to export a solution from the source environment to another environment, I receive the following notification “isGlobal information provided True doesn’t match the value stored in DB False.” As a result, importing the solution into the destination environment becomes challenging for the individual. Whenever this kind of error appears, it has … Continue reading How to Fix the error ‘’isGlobal information provided True doesn’t match the value stored in DB False.” in D365 CRM.

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How to create and add/attach a custom activity-type entity to an existing entity in Dynamics 365 CRM

Introduction Activities are tasks or sorts of homework that we as a team perform when contacting a customer for example making a phone call, making an appointment or calls, and so on. You can set the status of this activity to complete pending or in progress. For more details, please follow the link: Activity entities … Continue reading How to create and add/attach a custom activity-type entity to an existing entity in Dynamics 365 CRM

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How to add an Entity and fields in Global Search On Dynamics 365 CRM

Introduction Global Search for Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a custom module, which allows you to search across all CRM entities at the same time, providing results in a single-view convenient layout. For more details please follow the link: Global Search for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online User Manual Adding an Entity and fields in Global Search … Continue reading How to add an Entity and fields in Global Search On Dynamics 365 CRM

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How to create a SharePoint site and enable Server-Based SharePoint Integration for Document Management System in D365 CRM

What is a SharePoint site? Sharepoint site is an application which is provided by Microsoft which can be used to store information and content. This may include documents, images videos, tasks, and so many things. For more details please follow the link Steps to create a site and integrate your SharePoint with D365 CRM Step … Continue reading How to create a SharePoint site and enable Server-Based SharePoint Integration for Document Management System in D365 CRM

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How to Use Solution Checker to identify usage of the OrganisationData.svc endpoint (Odata Deprecation for Web resources)

The Organization Data Service is an OData v2.0 endpoint introduced with Dynamics CRM 2011. The Organization Data Service was deprecated with Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement v8.0 in favor of the Web API, an OData v4.0 service. For more details please follow the link OData v2.0 Service removal date announcement | Microsoft Power Apps To … Continue reading How to Use Solution Checker to identify usage of the OrganisationData.svc endpoint (Odata Deprecation for Web resources)

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