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Azure Integration with Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations

Introduction: Businesses in the digital age depend on cloud platforms and ERP systems integrating seamlessly. Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations (F&O) and azure integration is one such potent combination. Numerous advantages, such as improved scalability, agility, and data-driven decision-making capabilities, are made possible by this integration. The step-by-step instructions for connecting Azure with Dynamics 365 … Continue reading Azure Integration with Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations

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How to Setup Alternative Unit of Measure in Business Central

Introduction:  Many Businesses supports buying and selling items with different unit of measures. How to configure this in Business Central without showcasing your inventory in decimals. Let’s take an example: We will be buying the goods always in dozen whereas we can sell the items in PCS or CARTONS. Steps to achieve the goal: 2. … Continue reading How to Setup Alternative Unit of Measure in Business Central

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Posting Restriction in Business Central for different users for Purchase and Sales documents

Introduction Invoices and shipments are frequently handled differently by different businesses. Processes, for example, can range from one person posting everything on a purchase order to numerous employees working on their own sites. On the User Setup page, you can now select how each user can handle invoices. Steps to achieve the goal 1. Go … Continue reading Posting Restriction in Business Central for different users for Purchase and Sales documents

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How to use Standard Journal Feature In Business Central?

Introduction. They might be some need to copy the data from one batch to another. In Business central there are multiple ways to do so use copy & paste method or use or configuration packages or Use Standard Journal Feature. Let’s understand about the Standard Journal Feature in detail. But please note Standard Journal Function … Continue reading How to use Standard Journal Feature In Business Central?

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Set Up Intercompany In Business Central- Part 1

Introduction: Intercompany Transaction is useful feature to track all transaction that is happening with the specific intercompany. Many organizations consist of more than one company, and these companies often engage in various intercompany transactions. It’s important for an organization to be able to track these transactions with ease, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central allows … Continue reading Set Up Intercompany In Business Central- Part 1

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Restart Feature in Business central

Introduction: Administrators may need to restart a specific Business Central environment to resume normal operation in some cases as a troubleshooting step. Steps to achieve the goal: Go to your settings and select Admin Center. 4. Then click on Restart Environment Action.

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How to Cancel Posted Purchase Credit Memo in Business Central?

Introduction: There might be a need where user wants to cancel the Posted Purchase Credit Memo which was posted by mistakenly. Ideally we cannot cancel the Posted Purchase Credit Memo if it is generated from Posted Credit Memo or Purchase return Order. But if the Posted Purchase Credit Memo is generated from cancel Posted Purchase … Continue reading How to Cancel Posted Purchase Credit Memo in Business Central?

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How to dynamically show and hide the fields in the Request page of Business Central?

Introduction: Based on certain values dynamically show and hide the fields in the request page of the report. Ideally, we cannot directly use visible property to fields. we can do this by enabling the visibility of fields using groups. Steps to achieve the goal: Create a groups and add the fields which you want to … Continue reading How to dynamically show and hide the fields in the Request page of Business Central?

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How to use Contact email and Sent email functionality on Vendor, Customer, and its Contacts?

Introduction: Contact email functionality is used in order to send emails to customers, vendors, and their contacts. Steps to achieve the goal: Go to Customers / Vendor and its Contact page there is action called as Contact By Email Then click on Contact  by Email action. You will be able to get the email based … Continue reading How to use Contact email and Sent email functionality on Vendor, Customer, and its Contacts?

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How to unapply/reverse payments from vendors in Business Central?

 There are certain scenarios where you have mistakenly applied the payment to the wrong vendor or you need to refund the vendor. There are two methods in order to resolve these issues. Steps to achieve the goal: Method 1: Globally search vendors. Select the vendor in which payment is applied incorrect. Go to Vendor Tab-> … Continue reading How to unapply/reverse payments from vendors in Business Central?

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