Latest Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blogs | CloudFronts - Page 4

Using Web Content on POS

Introduction LS Central allows us to use HTML content on the POS which includes both Text and Images. Users can add extra information related to the Items here which can assist in the POS Users to make the sales much more efficiently. In this blog, I’ll be demonstrating how to configure the same. References … Continue reading Using Web Content on POS

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Customizing POS Receipt Layout

Introduction POS Receipts are generated after every transaction that occurs on POS. The default receipt provided by LS Central is generally sufficient but as is in all things there are always exceptions. There are two approaches we can use to modify the POS Receipts and we are going to see them both. This is the … Continue reading Customizing POS Receipt Layout

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Configuring Scheduled Jobs – Part II

Introduction: In the previous Blog, we saw how to configure the Schedule Job Header, this time we will configure the Sub-jobs. In Sub-jobs, we can define the Table structures to be followed, Tables the Data is supposed to be sent to, filters, replication counter fields and so on. References: Repl. Counter Interval, Scheduler Subjob ( … Continue reading Configuring Scheduled Jobs – Part II

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Login Error in BC after changing Server Date

Introduction: While doing some customization testing, which revolved around using different dates, I realized that once the date is switched back to the correct date, I was unable to connect to Business Central. I restarted the server instance, IIS, SQL Server services to no avail. Prerequisite: Business Central On-Premise setup with Web Server and SSL. … Continue reading Login Error in BC after changing Server Date

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Using POS Tags in LS Central

Introduction: Tags are small pieces of Information that we can display on the POS. This information may be a field from a table or just some text. If we are using a field from some table, it is necessary that, the table can be referenced using only the fields available in the current “POS Transaction” … Continue reading Using POS Tags in LS Central

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Configuring Scheduled Jobs – Part I

Introduction: In this blog, we will be seeing Scheduled Job configuration for Data Replication using Data Director. Scheduled Jobs comprise of two parts: the Job Header and Sub-jobs. In the Job Header, we define different parameters for the Jobs like, Error Handling, To and From Locations, Compression Types, Scheduling details and the sub-jobs. In the … Continue reading Configuring Scheduled Jobs – Part I

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Using POS Data Tables in LS Central

Introduction: POS Data Tables are used to display data from any table in POS. The default POS Screen that we see where we enter our items for sale also consists of a Data Table. Data Tables are also used with Lookups, Record Zooms and Data Grids. In this blog, we are going to create our … Continue reading Using POS Data Tables in LS Central

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Using Custom POS Commands in LS Central

Introduction: LS Central provides an easy way to add Custom functionality through the use of POS External Commands. These commands are executed on the POS and let me know you how to create them. For this example, we will create a POS Command, to remove all the lines from the current transaction. Pre-requisites: Microsoft Dynamics … Continue reading Using Custom POS Commands in LS Central

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